Blogul lui George Butunoiu

Ord. dupa

În comunism, tot ce era occidental – și american, în special – ...

1 comentarii

Am pus o întrebare/ cerință pe „Te rog să descrii un...

2 comentarii

Ai avut o viață frumoasă și fericită. Și cu puțin noroc, e drep...

10 comentarii

Cea mai puternică armă a SUA în lupta sa de a domina lumea, și cu ...

1 comentarii

Probabil că mulți nu știu că în vremea comunismului nu exista mar...

6 comentarii

O scurtă sinteză pentru cei care nu au trăit în vremea comuniștil...

11 comentarii

Nu există nici cea mai mică șansă să se schimbe ceva în politica...

13 comentarii

Seniorul are 66 de ani acum. A fost mare la viața lui. Automatist, ap...

20 comentarii

Una dintre fără de șir aberațiile manageriale ale celor din guvern...

2 comentarii

Fiul prietenului meu s-a angajat la o mică firmă antreprenorială ro...

9 comentarii

Cheltuiala 1: am de făcut o aplicație de mobil destul de simplă. Am...

4 comentarii

Eu student în primii ani de facultate, el unul dintre marii doctori a...

22 comentarii

Daca va intereseaza o cariera solida, pe termen lung, si daca nu aveti...

5 comentarii

Ai fost copil bun. Învățai mult, dar nu luai niciodată notele cele...

9 comentarii

Bătrâna Casă din strada Polonă, lângă Grădina Icoanei și P...

1 comentarii

Prima idee de a începe un doctorat mi-a venit chiar în facultate, c...

2 comentarii

Am scris că de multe ori am văzut angajatori care cer candidaților ...

Fiind la unul dintre cele mai bune licee de matematică-fizică din ț...

3 comentarii

Prima mea recrutare pentru o instituție de stat a fost imediat după ...

Unul dintre cei mai buni prieteni ai mei e filolog, de facultate. Scri...

2 comentarii

Cam cum ar trebui să fie configurat apartamentul unui om bogat și im...

11 comentarii

Un mare concert la Festivalul Enescu, Orchestra dell’ Accademia Nazi...

9 comentarii

Am mers din nou la pas câteva ceasuri prin Galați, orașul venirii p...

64 comentarii

Omul care a comentat la articolul meu de zilele trecute consideră că...

19 comentarii

Ce concluzii trageți despre expeditor din mesajul de mai jos? E un e-...

51 comentarii

Când am făcut eu facultatea la Universitatea din București, demult,...

21 comentarii

Tânără absolventă deșteaptă, 23 de ani, cu rezultate bune la șc...

7 comentarii

Am pus și eu o întrebare pe Internet, într-o noapte târziu, când ...

4 comentarii

Boema Boema, așa cum a apărut și cum a fost definită ea pri...

17 comentarii

Eu sunt sigur că am fost inteligent dintotdeauna, și am știut cum m...

10 comentarii

Am avut astăzi un interviu live la Radio România, de care uitasem, t...

6 comentarii

Am citit milioane de comentarii legate de poza din CV, si mai toate, a...

4 comentarii

La fiecare articol pe care il scriu ii indemn pe oameni sa se imbrace ...

9 comentarii

Obiectivul principal al recrutorului nu este sa fie iubit de catre cei...

16 comentarii

Uneori am norocul sa pun intrebarea norocoasa, adica cea care sa clari...

16 comentarii

Intr-o buna dimineata, pe la 12:15 – 12:30h, un Inalt Demnitar de la...

18 comentarii

Va rog sa impartiti oamenii din localitatea in care traiti in trei cat...

10 comentarii

Nivelul general al educatiei deputatilor din Parlamentul Romaniei, leg...

5 comentarii

George Butunoiu a lansat astazi proiectul "Politoscop" (www.politoscop...

5 comentarii

Aproape toti cei cu care ma intalnesc ma intreaba cam ce salariu cred ...

29 comentarii

In SUA, durata medie pentru gasirea unui nou loc de munca stabil, de l...

13 comentarii

Am gasit azi cateva file dintr-un caiet de acum vreo 30 de ani, in car...

2 comentarii

Ceea ce scrie autorul e o particia dintr-un lant mult mai lung, care i...

13 comentarii

Acum ceva timp am castigat un caz la CNCD impotriva unei companii cu s...

15 comentarii

Un prieten vede intr-o zi o casa nelocuita de zeci de ani, dar in star...

6 comentarii

Pe la inceputul carierei, acum nenumarati ani, aveam de facut multe re...

10 comentarii

Am cunoscut multi oameni care vor sa lucreze cat mai putin se poate. M...

8 comentarii

Am pus o nota pe Internet zilele trecute, recomandand oamenilor sa fie...

14 comentarii

In care dintre domeniile de mai jos credeti ca oamenii au cel mai civi...

10 comentarii

Grupurile si comunitatile minoritare care militeaza ostentativ si agre...

6 comentarii

Cum vi s-ar parea ideea de a corela bonusul unui CEO cu niste indicato...

8 comentarii

Achievements din CV-uri sunt o mana cereasca pentru cei mai multi recr...

6 comentarii

Faza zilele astea: daca tot am stat atata acasa, mi-am zis sa schimb o...

13 comentarii

E surprinzator cat de multi cunt cei care se prezinta pe dos, fara nic...

18 comentarii

In urma cu niste ani, un client important, de la una dintre cele mai m...

19 comentarii

In cat timp credeti ca se poate prezenta un candidat singur, in asa fe...

10 comentarii

Recrutarea membrilor consiliului de administratie la una dintre cele c...

14 comentarii

Multi se asteapta ca toate interviurile sa fie consistente si dificile...

1 comentarii

Cand au facut legea cu recrutarea “managementului privat” la stat,...

27 comentarii

De regula, prima intalnire in orice proces de recrutare este cu consul...

11 comentarii

MBA-ul e ceva foarte bun si util, desigur, ca orice lucru pe care il i...

16 comentarii

Poate functiona la noi modelul acesta din Suedia? Un mesaj din par...

7 comentarii

Businessurile din Romnia sunt o mascarada, facute dupa ureche, manager...

24 comentarii

Milton Hershey a fost un mare industrias idealist si un filantrop amer...

18 comentarii

Revolutia m-a prins la putin timp dupa terminarea facultatii. Capi...

19 comentarii

Am facut prima mea firma in aprilie 1990, la cateva luni de la Rev...

29 comentarii

Exista joburi pentru care e mai bine sa fii mai “inocent” decat in...

28 comentarii

Poate impune un candidat sa asiste si avocatul lui la interviul de ang...

6 comentarii

Referintele sunt punctul central, stau la baza recrutarilor in top man...

3 comentarii

Caci altfel va risipesc banii, daca ii trimiteti la cumparaturi... ...

4 comentarii

Comenteaza cineva pe site-ul meu: “Cum ar fi să facem și noi la fe...

16 comentarii

Cum reactionati in fata unui CV din care reiese in mod evident ca au f...

24 comentarii

Avalansa de reactii pornita de la poza aceasta arata lucruri interesan...

13 comentarii

Sau poze acceptabile cu femei, daca vi se pare mai potrivita aceasta f...

21 comentarii

Un punct de vedere interesant si elocvent argumentat pe tema ultimelor...

32 comentarii

Schimbul de replici dintre mine si Catalin, inceput pe site-ul de anun...

26 comentarii

De ce il urasc candidatii pe GB? Iata unul dintre multele argumente......

29 comentarii

Lasati-o mai incet cu protectia sociala ca atribut definitoriu al stan...

9 comentarii

Controverse nesfarsite in jurul CV-urilor: ce vrei tu sa exprimi in el...

13 comentarii

Am pus acum vreo doua zile o postare pe Facebook si pe Linkedin cu fra...

9 comentarii

Multi pun umblatul de colo-colo prin lume in lista activitatilor cultu...

39 comentarii

Citesc des tot felul de comentarii si indemnuri la tinerea politicii d...

21 comentarii

Astazi am primit unul dintre cele mai tulburatoare si mai triste telef...

35 comentarii

Gardul nostru Astazi o batrana statea pe gardul nostru si plangea...

7 comentarii

Doua dintre multele comentarii din registrul respectiv la un anunt pus...

66 comentarii

Greselile din CV-uri pot spune multe lucruri relevante despre cel in c...

8 comentarii

Prietenul meu din Italia e in Olanda cu familia, la post. Intr-o zi, f...

17 comentarii

Bunul meu prieten Andrei Caramitru si multi altii din USR nu pierd nic...

44 comentarii

Am un prieten bun care traieste in America, ajuns foarte tare si foart...

19 comentarii

In doar 5 ani, DIICOT a probat un caz de semi-sclavagism si munca fort...

4 comentarii

Intr-o seara, cam intre sase si sapte, deschid Facebookul. Eram la bir...

24 comentarii

Doamna E a fost o cunoscuta profesoara de la Universitate, scriitoare,...

12 comentarii

Comentariu pe site-ul meu: Stai linistit, Mike... n-ai nicio sansa sa-...

24 comentarii

Am facut rost de subiectele de concurs pentru postul de primar al New ...

3 comentarii

Mai multi ambasadori straini ne-au sponsorizat Societatea Muzicala de-...

8 comentarii

Prima recrutare in gambling am avut-o acum 17 ani, pentru niste englez...

16 comentarii

Pe vremea comunistilor, toate frizeriile si saloanele de coafura se ch...

13 comentarii

Aud din intamplare un procuror vorbind in televizor despre fetele omor...

13 comentarii

Faza: ma vad cu un candidat pentru un post de country manager. Firma n...

74 comentarii

Am primit mesajul acesta si am dat sa-l sterg, crezand ca e obisnuita ...

26 comentarii

Am pus un anunt de recrutare, tot aici, pe site, in sectiunea cu anunturile. Cautam un Head of Arts pentru British Council. Englezii, asa seriosi si rigurosi cum sunt ei, au facut un job description lung si detaliat, structurat pe capitole, cu tot ce e de stiut – am socotit eu… Ba au mai pus si niste fisiere atasate, cu alte informatii, in caz ca. E acesta de mai jos, ca sa nu mai cautati in alta parte. Nu am avut niciodata un anunt mai lung si mai detaliat, in cei 26 de ani de cand fac recrutare.

Ei bine, nu va inchipuiti cate e-mailuri am primit cerandu-mi-se informatii suplimentare despre job !!!

PS: iarasi mi-am facut un dusman, al nu stiu catelea pe ziua de azi. Nervos ca mi-a scris ca sa-i trimit mai multe informatii, in aroganta mea i-am recomandat sa incerce cu Encyclopedia Britannica… 🙁

Head of Arts pentru British Council

Role Profile

  • Job Title: Head of Arts
  • Directorate or Region: EU
  • Department/Country: Projects / Romania
  • Location of post: Bucharest
  • Reports to: Country Director
  • Duration of job: 2 years, renewable by mutual agreement
  • Starting salary is 6400 RON gross per month.

Purpose of job:

The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We are on the ground in six continents and over 100 countries, bringing international opportunity to life, every day. Our role is to create a friendly knowledge and understanding between people of the UK and people of other countries. To do this we work in the Arts, Education & Society, and English Language training, reaching millions of people each year and helping to build trust between them worldwide.

The overall purpose of this post is to lead on implementing the delivery of British Council arts and creative economy programme in Romania. The post holder will ensure there is a strong strategy led focus to all our arts work that is fully aligned with the global and regional Arts strategy. S/he will ensure key audiences are engaged through high profile events, traditional and social media, maximise opportunities for partnership co-creation, funding and delivery, and extend strong bilateral and regional relationships across art forms to underpin and support our work in other areas.

A secondary purpose of this post is to co-ordinate contact between British Council Arts managers / project managers working on arts related projects in the South East Europe cluster of countries (from September this will be Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia/Slovenia, Cyprus and Greece) and where necessary provide advice and support to non Arts specialists. It is expected that this will take up an average of 1-2 working days per month.

The postholder will support funding development with Trusts, Foundations and Corporate partners, and where applicable support bids for EU co-operation. The objective is to build sustainable funding partnerships which ensure high visibility, high quality, and continuity of delivery. Increasing our relevance and reach to the next generation of audiences is a priority, and therefore innovations, integrated digital components, and market insight are essential. Planning, monitoring and evaluating the reach and impact of programmes against agreed priorities will be a priority.

The postholder will report to the Country Director. S/he will work as part of a team representing Arts, Education & Society, and English, to shape and deliver an integrated programme that supports our wider cultural relations mission. Promoting links to our teaching centre customers and clients will be a key part of this role. S/he will also work closely with the Director Arts EU and a wider team of global Arts managers (particularly those in the South East Europe cluster of countries) and UK sector advisers and will be expected to provide informed assessments of the Romania and UK arts scene.

Context and environment: (e.g. dept description, region description, organogram)

Romania and the UK have strong historical and cultural ties. The reputation of the UK and its cultural and educational institutions as well as its reputation for a dynamic creative economy make relations with the UK attractive to Romanian partners. Equally, Romania is seen in the UK as an important emerging partner in Europe, with growing links in trade, defence and security.

Romania is a high priority country for the British Council in the EU Europe region with a thriving programme in the strategic business areas of English, the Arts, and Education & Society. This includes large and fast expanding operations in Teaching and Exams.

British Council is also a member of EUNIC Romania (EU National Institutes for Culture), contributing to and communicating with peer organisations from around the world towards shared cultural relations objectives. Post-referendum, working effectively and enthusiastically with other EUNIC members is a particular priority.

Our Arts programme focuses on the development of long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships with Arts organisations in Romania, Europe and further afield. We raise awareness on themes such as cultural diversity, leadership and other societal issues, highlighting the United Kingdom as a creative, diverse and innovative nation. Central to our Europe programme is the importance of the arts as a means for social innovation, well-being and growth. In 2015 we identified five principal thematic streams to our work in the arts in Europe: Arts and Disability; Digital; Cultural Skills; Creative Economy; and Showcasing.

The EU region’s commitment to reach new and larger audiences in a meaningful way, and to do this with alternative sources of funding presents a challenge that will result in significant changes in the coming years. Our partnerships agenda is looking at developing more cross-sectoral work and large-scale projects, aiming at gaining funding from various sources, including European funding programmes, government, corporate and charitable sectors. At the same time, we are seeking innovation and ambition in our surplus generating activities. Internal and external communication is even more important to ensure resources, ideas and opportunities are maximised and to maintain our profile as a cultural relations leader in Romania. Multilateral programmes are of strategic importance to our work in Cultural Relations, and we are looking for opportunities to scale up local programmes at regional level, as well as develop successful programmes from other countries to involve Romanian audiences and partners. Equally important is robust market analysis and evaluation of our programmes to support innovation and income generation.

Responsible for designated programmes in the Arts sector, the postholder is required to participate fully in an integrated, cross-sector team that also encompasses English and Education & Society sectors, sharing best practice, external developments, and contributing to integrated programme development,

Accountabilities, responsibilities and main duties:

Maintain a strong strategic focus to the Romania arts programme

The arts programme will be subject to continuous strategic review ensuring that the work we do in the arts connects with country, regional and corporate aims and is in line with the global arts strategy and that we rigorously monitor and evaluate impact. The post-holder will ensure that partnerships are aligned with strategy, avoid delivering work which dilutes our impact and take measurement seriously. The arts should play an important role in bringing credible and meaningful diversity to our work.

Maintain and develop close understanding of the arts scene in Romania and links with the relevant sectors in the UK

Through our arts programme we will have better understanding of the cultural environment in Romania and will have relationships in place to develop opportunities for collaboration. To be credible in the arts the British Council must be able to comment on and analyse the arts scene in Romania and to bring knowledge and understanding of developments in the UK. The post-holder will therefore need to understand our work and will provide advice to UK organisations, artists and professional networks on cooperation with Romania. Understanding context, developing content and expanding networks of contacts in both countries will underpin our work. Providing efficient and relevant advice to enquiries from the Romanian and UK arts sectors is important and must comply with British Council service standards.

Deliver arts programmes and events

Working with partners, the post holder will plan and deliver a cross-sectoral, diverse arts programme throughout the year in consultation with Country Director and the EU Arts lead. As part of a small Programmes team, the post holder will need to manage every stage of programme planning, delivery and evaluation to British Council standards.

Develop partnerships, regional initiatives and co-create projects

A crucial part of the role is the ability to develop and deliver projects and nurture new partnerships with institutions in Romania, the UK and across the region. To do this it will be necessary to deploy excellent relationship building and networking skills to work effectively with colleagues in the UK and in other British Council offices to identify and develop plans for projects, partners and audience development.

Commissioning research, developing project concepts and writing project proposals will be part of the role. It is possible that the post holder will also take responsibility for a key programme or strand at regional level, working with Arts Managers from across the EU. This will be determined according to need, strategic priorities for Romania, and the relevant expertise or experience of the successful candidate.

Coordinate contact between British Council Arts managers / project managers on arts related projects in South East Europe

Increasingly the EU Europe region is seeking to set up structures and working processes to share experience, identify successes in one country and replicate them in others, provide support for colleagues, and work together to address areas of concern. Co-ordinating this work with a specific focus on arts projects supports Country Director Romania in his role as cluster lead for for South East Europe. Currently, in the SEE cluster only Greece has a designated Arts manager, but all countries have contacts and programmes in the area of arts, and there is a recently developed strategy for engagement in the arts in ‘smaller’ less well resourced countries. This work is likely to involve setting up and chairing monthly conference calls, peer-reviewing arts sections of country plans, using email to share information from regional meetings where not all countries are represented, responding to ad hoc requests for advice and support etc. It is expected that this work will take up no more than an average of 1-2 working days per month.

Contribute to multilateral and cross-sectoral programme development

The post holder will be part of both cross-sectoral, integrated programme development and delivery at country level, as well as a wider network of arts managers at regional and global level working with EU Head of Arts. The ability to identify and scale up opportunities to develop programmes at a multilateral level is an essential part of the role.

Programme innovation

The post holder will deliver innovation in programme design, supporting roll out of digital programming from our regional teams and identifying opportunities for digital engagement and reach. The post holder will draw on internal and external expertise where appropriate to ensure our digital estate is continuously updated with innovative and creative content.

Support integrated client services

The post holder will work with colleagues from Education and Society and English sectors for integrated programme and partnership development. Understanding and responding to our customers and audiences, and providing evidence of this, will be essential. She/he will also support our face to face customer service and senior relationship management by providing opportunities for cultural programming as part of our Teaching Centres and Exams partnerships programme offers: developing partnerships and offers with cultural institutions, and delivering artistic interventions throughout the year. The post holder will also recognise the value of our English-language and professional training programmes to the arts sector, and will be able to represent these services to potential arts clients.

Deliver high quality communications which ensure that the impact of our work in the arts is amplified through digital and social networking media, the regular press and internal channels Every project or activity will have a communications plan to ensure that our work in the arts supports our country aims. Without a story or publicity our work in the arts cannot make an impact. The post-holder must therefore work closely and effectively with the Marketing and Communications team and ensure excellent long-term planning and sharing of information.

Market Insight, Audience Development and Evaluation

Central to our strategy is to reach more diverse audiences, and engage with the next generation by delivering training and content that is relevant to young people. The postholder will research and provide robust evidence of market need, audience reach and qualitative and quantative evaluation of impact for all programmes.

Support representation at Embassy and other Cultural Institutes

The postholder will support the Country Director in maintaining relations and effective co-oeration with EUNIC Romania and its members, and ensure at least two collaborations per year. She/he will support the Country Director in representing our work to the Embassy and to deliver relevant information or support activities with them.

Relationship building

The post-holder will support relationship management with appropriate levels of investment and care, and use our arts events, our people, our assets and our connections to build as wide a constituency as possible with people who can help us achieve our objectives. Relationships must be carefully managed and shared with senior management, global and regional colleagues to ensure consistent British Council representation and awareness with stakeholders, partners and the professional arts community. The postholder will also be expected to articulate effectively British Council higher level regional and corporate plans to external contacts and stakeholders.

Develop partnership funding and sponsorship

Working closely with the Country Director and, where appropriate, other colleagues in Romania and elsewhere in EU Europe, the post holder will support, and where appropriate lead on, funding pursuit and implementation of a funding strategy, exploring both public and private funding opportunities. Equally important is an understanding of in kind benefit, building on our global reputation and expertise to develop high-impact programmes through in kind support.

Develop regional initiatives

It is possible that the post holder will also take responsibility for a key programme or strand at regional level, working with Arts Managers from across the EU. This will be determined according to need, strategic priorities for Romania, and the relevant expertise or experience of the successful candidate.

Manage finance and risk

As the budget holder for the arts in Romania (currently at £35K expenditure, with an expectation over time to generate significantly more than this in partnership funding, both cash and in-kind), the biggest of Romania ‘s Strategic Business Unit budgets, the post holder will be responsible for the day to day management of the budget: all aspects of financial control, forecasting, reporting and monitoring expenditure and income as well as risk management. Budgets must be managed in line with British Council standards of Financial control. Quarterly reporting and monitoring must be rigorous and fully consistent with SAP the corporate accounting system. Risks must be reported and managed and impact targets for all aspects of our arts work set and monitored.

Manage staff

The post currently will line manage one Arts officer (grade H) and one member of the communications team (grade G) who assists with communication, reporting and evaluation for the projects and partnerships portfolio (Arts, Education & Society, English).. Managing external providers will be a key responsibility. The postholder will be responsible for ensuring that all management of staff and external contacts is in line with the British Council’s systems (ie Performance Management and Professional Development), behaviours and values.

Key relationships:

  • Arts institutions in Romania, including key individuals in the Ministry of Culture and RomanianCultural Institute
  • UK leading arts institutions and individuals
  • EUNIC Romania and its members
  • Arts foundations and other key external project partners
  • Relevant Arts media / journalists / communicators
  • Head of Arts British Council EU region
  • Colleagues in British Council UK Arts departments
  • British Council Arts managers throughout the network, but especially EU, and within this especially the South East Europe cluster of countries
  • British Council Local and Regional Marketing and Communications teams
  • Colleagues in British Council Romania including Country Director and country leads for English, Education & Society

Other important features or requirements of the job

This is a key post during a period of significant change, and so the ability to work in dispersed and varied teams is essential. Infrequent overseas travel; frequent in-country travel; flexible working times and unsocial hours with attendance at evening and weekend events requested. The post is on a Romania locally based contract under local terms & conditions (details available on request).

Candidate must have the right to work in EU and to travel freely to other EU countries

Person Specification


  • Creating Shared Purpose (level – more demanding)
  • Connecting with others (level – more demanding)
  • Being accountable (level – more demanding)
  • Making it happen(level – more demanding)
  • Shaping the Future Working together (level – more demanding)
  • Working together (level – more demanding)

Skills and Knowledge

Detailed knowledge of UK arts sector and Romania arts sector

Supported by close knowledge of cultural policy at national and regional level, with a strong network of personal contacts with leaders and influencers in the Romania arts sector.

Using technology: Operates as an advanced user; Works as an advanced practitioner in the use of office software and/or British Council standard and social media platforms and trains or coaches others in their use.

Project management: Leads smaller projects; Analyses requirements with the sponsor/stakeholders, defining the specification with awareness of equality and diversity impact, planning, revising, implementing and evaluating on small-to-medium scale and/or low risk projects.

Financial Planning and Management

  • Risk management
  • planning and forecasting
  • Monitoring and reporting

Other skills:

  • Awareness of societal issues in Europe.
  • Knowledge and experience of communications online and via traditional media.
  • Demonstrable expertise in one of the British Council Europe’s five thematic strands: Showcasing, Arts and Disability, Digital, Cultural Skills or the Creative Economy.
  • English and Romanian to at least C1 (CEFR) level/IELTS 6.5+


At least three years’ recent professional experience of working in project management, communications, or fund-raising in a field directly related to arts (ie one or more of arts events management, cultural policy, creative economy, or creative skills); Experience of fundraising, communications and audience development.


Degree level qualification or equivalent related to arts or arts management

Alte informatii in cele doua fisiere (click pentru a le deschide) de mai jos:

British Council






  • Tiberiu Cazacioc :

    Cine știe, cunoaște. Nu este nevoie de mai multe detalii, sunt anunturile clasice ale UK, pentru angajarea unei persoane din mediul local. Le stiu. De-alungul anilor, uneori, am răsfoit anunțurile de recrutare al Ambasadei Marii Britanii etc. Și ale British Council. În ce privește nivelul de salarizare, lăsând de-o parte retribuția care nu se discuta ca la piața (vezi mai sus), este vorba angajarea la o instituție de prestigiu cu potențial de networking.

  • Baba Cloantza :

    In Marea Britanie, salariul unuii gunoier este minimum 1181 Lire sterline(£) brut pe luna, corespunzand unui 7.5 £/ora, 35 ore saptamanal. Pentru un Head of Arts adica un post de director, British Council e dispus sa plateasca in Romania 6400 Lei noi, equivalent cu 1220 £/brut. Deci pentru un salariu de gunoier britanic, BC cere o experienta vasta si ultraspecializata, exprimata intr-un text de aproape 3000 de cuvinte.

    Pe mine nu damele dezbracate ale dlui Butunoiu ma deranjeaza ci obraznicia britanica. Poate are dl Butunoiu amabilitatea sa le spuna celor care au facut anuntul sa si-l bage “where the sun doesn’t shine” sau anatomic, in rectum. Si sa nu ne mai spameze pe noi astia din strainatate cu joburi pentru care se platresc salarii de vidanjori.

    • gushpi :

      error dear…
      prestația depusă este remunerată în conformitate cu nivelul pieței zonei respective
      nu GB (great britain, nu george butunoiu! 🙂 ) este vinovată de nivelul scăzut al salariilor din RO
      în rest, te așteptăm pentru o altă aplicație!

  • Misha :

    Poate voiau informatii in limba romana 😀

    Lasand gluma la o parte, cred ca e un paradox intalnit: abundenta de informatie ‘cere’ si mai multa informatie.

  • Flaviu :

    Oare “6400 RON gross per month” se considera pe sistemul de taxare a salariului acum, sau dupa ce se trece pe salariat? ca nu e clar daca vor fi 4500 sau 3400 RON net.

  • Adrian :

    Evident ca vor mai multe informatii!
    Englezii au detaliat doar munca… sunt necesare informatii despre cafea, locul de fumat, principalele barfe, posibilitatile de promovare pe cai alternative muncii si profesionalismului, buget de team drinking, posibilitatea de a lipsi nemotivat fara sa se bage de seama, concediile medicale extinse pentru dureri in fund…
    Plus ca e vorba despre arta… sunt acceptate ifosele si trantitul nervos al usii?
    Pur si simplu sunt multe informatii inutile si nimic dintre cele esentiale

  • Valul :

    Salariu indecent

  • Adrian :

    Destul de sumar JD-ul :)) Puteți da mai multe detalii? :))

  • C :

    Eu aș dori mai multe informații.. despre jobul în agricultură. Nu îmi iese din minte imaginea cu directoarea de HR.

    Mulțumesc anticipat, aștept răspuns!